French India consisted of five settlements in India that formerly consisted a territory of France: Pondicherry (Pondichery), Chandemagor, Karikal and Yanam on the east coast, and Mahe on the west coast. The combined settlements had an area of 197 sq. mi. (500 sq. km.). Capital: Pondicherry. ,French interest in East was evident as early as the opening of the 16th century, but initial individual efforts were checked by the Portuguese. After a number of false starts, they acquired Pondicherry, 85 miles (137 km.) south of Madres, in 1654. Chandernagor, 16 miles (26 km.) north of Calcutta, was acquired in 1690-92. Mahe was acquired in 1725 and Karikai in 1739. Yanam was founded in 1750. The French enclaves were captured (by the Dutch and British) and restored several times before French possession was established, by treaties, 1917-17.,, ,Chandernagor voted in 1949 to join India and became part of the Republic of India in 1950. Pondicherry, Karikal, Yanam and Mahe formed the Pondicherry Union Territory and joined the Republic of India in 1954.,, Rulers:,,, ,French to 1954,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Roupie = 8 Fanons = 16 Annas,,