

The Republic of Cuba, situated at the northern edge of the Caribbean Sea about 90 miles (145 km.) south of Florida, has an area of 44,218 sq. mi. (114,524 sq. km.) and a population of 11.2 million. Capital: Havana. The Cuban economy is based on the cultivation and reefing of sugar, which provides 80 percent of export earnings. ,Discovered by Columbus in 1492 and settled by Diego Velasquez in the early 1500s, Cuba remained a Spanish possession until 1898, except for a brief British occupancy in 1762-63. Cuban attempts to gain freedom were crushed, even while Spain was granting independence to its other American possessions. Ten years of warfare, 1868-78, between Spanish troops and Cuban rebels exacted guarantees of rights which were never implemented. The final revolt, begun in 1895, evoked American sympathy, and with the aid of U.S. troops independence was proclaimed on May 20, 1902. Fulgencio Batista seized the government in 1952 and established a dictatorship. Opposition to Batista, lead by Fidel Castro, drove him into exile on Jan. 1, 1959. A communist-type, 25 members collective leadership headed by Castro was inaugurated in March 1962.,, Rulers:,,, ,Spanish to 1898,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Peso = 100 Centavos,,

CUBA P-113 UNC, ND, 1995, 3 PESOS, CHE GUEVARA,, M/C, 10 Front Side Back Side
CUBA P-FX37 THRU FX43 UNC, P-FX37 THRU FX43, 7 NOTES, SPECIMEN SET, 350 Front Side Back Side
CUBA P-94-99 UNC, ND, 1961, 1,5,10,20,50, 100 PESOS, THE SET, 975 Front Side Back Side