The Republic of Cape Verde, is located in the Atlantic Ocean, about 370 miles (595 km.) west of Dakar, Senegal off the coast of Africa. The 14-island republic has an area of 1,557 sq. mi. (4,033 sq. km.) and a population of 437,000. Capital: Praia. The refueling of ships and aircraft is the chief economic function of the country. Fishing is important and agriculture is widely practiced, but the Cape Verdes are not self-sufficient in food. Fish products, salt, banana, coffee, peanuts and shellfish are exported. ,The date of discovery of the islands is uncertain. Possibly they were visited by Venetian Captain Alvise Cadamosto In 1456. Portuguese navigation Diogo Gomes claimed them for Portugal in May of 1460. Settlement began two years later. The early importance and wealth of the island, which caused them to be attacked by Sir Francis Drake and the Dutch, resulted from the monopoly of the Guinea slave trade granted the inhabitants in 1466. Poverty and famine occasioned by frequent periods of severe drought have marked the history of the country since abolition of the slave trade in 1876.,, ,After 500 years of Portuguese rule, Cape Verdes became independent on July 5, 1975.,, Rulers:,,, ,Portuguese until 1975,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Mil Reis = 100 Reis,, ,1 Escudo = 100 Centavos, 1911-,,