The Republic of Bolivia, a land locked country in west central South America, has an area of 424,165 sq. mi. 1,098,581 sq. km.) and a population of 8.33 million. Capitals: La Paz (administrative); Sucre (constitutional). Mining is the principal industry and tin the most important metal. Minerals, petroleum, natural gas, cotton and coffee are exported. ,The Incas, who ruled one of the world?s greatest dynasties, incorporated the area that is now western Bolivia into their empire about 1200 AD. Their control was maintained until the Spaniards arrived in 1535 and reduced the predominantly Indian population to slavery. When Napoleon occupied Madrid in 1808 and placed his brother Joseph on the Spanish throne, a fervor of revolutionary activity quickened in Bolivia, culminating with the 1809 proclamation of independence. Sixteen years of struggle ensued before the republic, named for the famed liberator General Simon Bolivar, was established on August 6, 1825. Since then, Bolivia has had more than 60 revolutions, 70 presidents and 11 constitutions. ,, Rulers:,,, ,Spanish to 1825,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Boliviano = 100 (Centavos) to 1965,, ,1 Bolivar = 100 Centavos, 1945-1962,, ,1 Peso Boliviano = 100 Centavos, 1962-1987,, ,1 Boliviano = 100 Centavos, 1987-,,