The Kingdom of Morocco, situated on the northwest corner of Africa south of Spain, has an area of 172,413 sq. mi. (712,550 sq. km.) and a population of 28.98 million. Capital: Rabat. The economy is essentially agricultural. Phosphate, fresh and preserved material are exported. ,Morcorro?s strategic position at the gateway to western Europe has been the principal determinant of its violent, frequently unfortunate history. Time and again the fertile plain between the rugged atlas Mountains and the sea has echoed the battle?s trumpet as Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Visigoths, Byzantine, Greeks and Islamic Arabs successively conquered and occupied the land. Modern Morocco is a remnant of an early empire formed by the Arabs at the close of the 7th century which encompassed all of northwest Africa and most of the Iberian Peninsula. During the 17th and 18th centuries, while under the control of native dynasties, it was the headquarters of the famous State pirates. Morocco?s strategic position involved it in the competition of 19th century European powers for political influence in Africa, and resulted in the division of Morocco into French and Spanish spheres of interest which were established as protectorates in 1912. Morocco became independent on March 2, 1956, after France agreed to end its protectorate. Spain signed similar agreements on April 7 of the same year.,, Rulers:,,, ,Abd Al-Aziz, AH 1311-1325/1894-1908 AD,, ,Hafiz, AH 1325-1330/1908-1910 AD,, ,Yusuf, AH 1330-1346/1912-1927 AD,, ,Muhammad V, AH 1346-1380/1927-1961 AD,, ,Hassan II, AH 1380-1420/1961-1999 AD,, ,Muhammad VI, AH 1420- /1999- AD,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Dirham = 50 Mazunas,, ,1 Rial = 10 Dirhams to 1921,, ,1 Franc = 100 Centimes,, ,1 Dirham = 100 Francs, 1921-1974,, ,1 Dirham = 100 Centimes = 100 Santimat, 1974-,, ,1 Riffan = 1 French Gold Franc = 10 British Pence,,