The Republic of Slovenia is bounded in the north by Austria, northeast by Hungary, southeast by Croatia, and to the west by Italy. It has an area of 5,246 sq. mi. (20,251 sq. km.) and a population of 1.99 million. Capital: Ljubljana. The economy is based on electricity, minerals, forestry, agriculture, and fishing. Small industries are being developed during privatization. ,The lands originally settle by Slovenes in the 6th century were steadily encroached upon by Germans. Slovenia developed as past of Austro-Hungarian Empire after the defeat of the latter in World War I. It became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yugoslavia) established on December 1, 1918. A legal opposition group, the Slovene League of Social Democrats, was formed in January 1989. In October 1989 the Slovenes Assembly voted a constitutional amendment giving it the right to seceded from Yugoslavia. On July 2, 1990 the Assembly adopted a ?declaration of sovereignty? and in September proclaimed its control over the territorial defense force on its soil. A referendum on December 23 resulted in majority vote for independence, which was formally declared on December 26. In February 1991 parliament ruled that henceforth Slovenian low took precedence over federal. On June 25, Slovenia declared independences, but agreed to suspend this for 3 months at peace talks sponsored by the EC. The moratorium having expired, Slovenia (and Croatia) declared their complete independence of the Yugoslav federation on October 8, 1991.,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Tolar = 1 Yugoslavian Dinar,, ,1 Tolar = 100 Stotinas,,