

Bohemia, a province in northwest Czechoslovakia, was combined with the majority of Moravia in central Czechoslovakia (excluding parts of north and south Monrovia which were joined with Silesia in 1938) to form a German protectorate in March 1939. Toward the end of 1945, the protectorate was dissolved and Bohemia and Moravia once again became part of Czechoslovakia. Monetary System:,,, ,1 Koruna = 100 Haleru,, 26,BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA,bk-flag.gif,"The Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina borders, borders Croatia to the north and west, Serbia to the east and Montenegro to the southeast with only 12.4 miles of coastline. The total land area is 19,735 sq. mi. (51,129 sq. km.). Capital: Sarajevo. Electricity, mining and agriculture are leading industries. ,Bosnia?s first ruler of importance was the Ban Kulin, 1180-1204. Stephen Kotromanio was invested with Bosnia, held loyalty to Hungary and extended his rule to the principality of Hum or Zahumlje, the future Herzegovina. His daughter Elsabeth married Louis the Great and he died in the same year. His nephew Tvrtko succeeded and during the weakening of Serbian power he assumed the title Stephen Tvrtko, in Christ God King of the Serbs and Bosnia and the Coastland. Later he assumed the title of Ling Dalmatia and Croatia, but died before he could consolidate power. Successors also asserted their rights to the Serbian throne.,, ,In 1459, the Turks invaded Serbia. Bosnia was invaded in 1463 and Herzegovina in 1483. During Turkish rule Islam was accepted rather than Catholicism. During the 16th and 17th centuries Bosnia was an important Turkish outpost in continuing warfare with the Habsburgs and Venice. When Hungary freed of the Turkish yoke, the immoralists penetrated Bosnia, and in 1697 Prince Eugene captured Sarajevo. Later, by the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699, the northern boundary of Bosnia became the northern most limit of the Turkish empire while the eastern area was ceded to Austria, but later restored to Turkey in 1739 lasting until 1878 following revolts of 1821, 1828, 1831 and 1862. On June 30, 1871 Serbia and Montenegro declared war on Turkey and were quickly defeated. The Turkish war with Russia led to the occupation by Austria-Hungary. Insurgents attempted armed resistance and Austria-Hungary invaded, quelling the uprising in 1878. The Austrian occupation provided a period of prosperity while at the same time prevented relations with Serbia and Croatia. Strengthening political and religious movements from within forced annexation by Austria on Oct. 7, 1908. Hungary?s establishments of a dictatorship in Croatia following the victories of Serbian forces in the Balkan War roused the whole Yugoslav population of Austria-Hungary to feverish excitement. The Bosnian group, mainly students, devoted its efforts to revolutionary ideas. After Austria?s Balkan front collapsed in Oct. 1918 the union with Yugoslavia developed and on Dec. 1, 1918 the former Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes were proclaimed (later to become the Kingdom of Yugoslavia on Oct. 3, 1929).,, ,After the defeat of Germany in WW II during which Bosnia was under the control of Pavelic of Croatia, a new Socialist Republic was formed under Marshal Tito having six constituent republics all subservient, quite similar to the constitution of the U.S.S.R. Military and civil loyalty was with Tito. In Jan. 1990 the Yugoslav government announced a rewriting of the constitution, abolishing the Communist Party?s monopoly of power. Opposition parties were legalized in July 1990. On Oct. 15, 1991 the National Assembly adopted a Memorandum on Sovereignty that envisaged Bosnian autonomy within a Yugoslav Federation. In March 1992 an agreement was reached under EC auspices by Moslems, Serbs and Croats to set up 3 autonomous ethnic communities under a central Bosnian authority. Independence was declared on April 5, 1992. The 2 Serbian members of government resigned and fighting broke out between all 3 ethnic communities. The Dayton (Ohio, U.S.A.) Peace Accord was signed in 1995 which recognized the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Srpska (Serbian) Republic. Both governments maintained separate military forces, schools, etc., providing humanitarian aid while a treaty allowed NATO ?Peace Keeping? forces be deployed in Dec. 1995 replacing the United Nations troops previously acting in a similar role.,, Rulers:,,, ,Ottoman, until 1878,, ,Austrian, 1878-1918,, ,Yugoslavian, 1918-1941,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Dinar = 100 Para 1992-1998,, ,1 Convertible Marka = 1 Deutschemark,, ,1 Convertible Marka = 100 Convertible Pfeniga, 1998-,,