

The area of Moldava is bordered in the north, east, and south by the Ukraine and on the west by Romania. ,The historical Romanian principality of Moldava was established in the 14th century. It fell under Turkish suzerainty in the 16th century. Form 1812 to 1918, Russians occupied the eastern portion of Moldava which they named Bessarabian. In March 1918, Bessarabian legislature voted in favor of reunification with Romania.,, ,At the Paris Peace Conference of 1920, the union was officially recognized by several nations, but the new Soviet government did not accept the union. In 1924, to pressure Romania, a Moldava Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (A.S.S.R.) was established within the USSR on the border, considering of a strip extending east of the Dieter River. Today it is Transnistria (see country listing).,, ,Soviet forces reoccupied the region in June 1940, and the Moldavian S.S.R. was proclaimed. Transnistria was transferred to the new republic. Ukrainian S.S.R. obtained possession of the southern part of Bessarabia. The region was liberated by the Romanian army in 1941. The Soviets reconquered the territory in 1944. A declaration of independence was adopted in June 1990 and the area was renamed Moldova. It became an independent republic in August 1991. In December 1991, Moldova became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.,, Monetary System:,,, ,3 Ducati = 100 Lei,, ,100 Rubles = 1000 Cupon, 1992,, ,1 Leu = 1000 Cupon 1993-,,